Thursday, July 31, 2008

Further Developments in the Ron Artest Saga

Is it ever not a saga with Ron Ron? I've often wanted to be a fly on the wall in an NBA locker room or front office but never have I wanted to be privy to a conversation more than the Yao-Artest makeup phone call. First Yao made some comments questioning Artest's ability to not be insane (legit concerns but probably best left unvoiced for the time being... Yao also probably could have stuck to "chemistry issues" rather than "going into the stands and fighting") and then Ron Ron questioned if Yao had ever played with a "black player that really represents his culture". This seemed kind of silly because Yao probably has a better understanding of black culture than any other Chinese guy alive and Rafer Alston seems pretty "ghetto" to me... but I digress. I think things are progressing nicely. Yao have proved to Ron Ron that he's going to speak his mind and Artest handled the situation well. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Nash and B-Diddy - If the Clippers miss the playoffs (which history says is a good bet) I think Baron is going to quit basketball and direct movies.

Who would win Jordan vs. Kobe one-on-one? - Jordan's concession that Kobe would beat him due to their age disparity reminds me of a great quote from Ty Cobb. A reporter asked an elderly Cobb what he would hit against today's pitchers and then seemed surprised when Cobb said "about .300". "Only .300?", the reporter asked. Cobb replied, "You've got to remember, I'm 73."

D-Wade = Sampson?


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