Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pickup Basketball

Pickup basketball is the greatest social activity this side of taking shots with hot chicks. And, frankly, if the pickup game is good enough I'd probably choose that over socializing in some bar. Why is it so great?

I'm convinced that playing three games to 11 is actually a more effective method of burning calories than riding an elliptical for 3 hours. The running, cutting, and jumping all provide a great all around workout. Best of all, you can always increase the intensity of the workout by running the floor harder, going for every rebound, or playing tougher defense.

Isn't cooperation between two people who have never met a beautiful thing? Isn't the random Mexican dude at the park setting the down screen for the old Asian guy who receives a pass from the teenage black kid a truly beautiful sight? Isn't it great when you make a shot or get a rebound and people you've never met before that game are suddenly your close friends?

More to come on pickup basketball and why it's the best thing ever but now a few links (a few extra to make up for the lack of a post yesterday).

Crossover of the Day - Chris Paul is disgusting.

10 more crossovers

Really old school Jordan

young vince dunking on helpless kids

dikembe... and friends


Blogger Unknown said...

I only find pickup ball fun when it's so friendly that the defenders call a foul when they foul the offensive player, like "I fouled him, yo. Stop playing and check the ball up top".

I also like it when there is no one who pretends to be on your team and claps/calls for the ball, then goes off the other way when you mistakenly pass it to them. That is just LAME.

July 16, 2008 at 4:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love your blog. I'm a 5'8'' asian guy who has no business loving basketball as much as I do. Your blog is the one I've always meant to write. That pickup basketball story speaks the truth!

How come everyone assumes the asian guy can't play? WTH, yesterday I was the last one picked when the games started... and only grudgingly because I was the first one on the court. I was then the leading scorer.

July 17, 2008 at 2:13 AM  
Blogger misterbrister said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

July 17, 2008 at 5:36 AM  
Blogger DLTDA said...

I totally agree. I suck at hoop, but I love playing pickup. good way to burn calories (like you said) good for camraderie (like you said) and you feel like you did something with yourself when all is said and done. It defintiely brings people of all backgrounds together.

July 17, 2008 at 6:34 AM  
Blogger The Beej said...

great post! it is so very true.

July 17, 2008 at 10:35 AM  
Blogger Gen said...

Allen - agree with your theory on calling fouls. expect a post expanding on this idea in the near future.

Nick - I'm 5'9 and a quarter Asian. I feel your pain. That said... it has to feel good to shatter people's expectations of you. Plus there is nothing better than playing with some of them again and having one of them tell their boys, "yo, watch that kid, he can play."

July 22, 2008 at 11:13 PM  
Blogger Xtremlylazy said...

I don't think being Asian is the key to people not being picked. I think some of it is a height issue, I'm 6'3 half-Asian (look full) and I'm almost always one of the first picks.

July 25, 2008 at 1:48 PM  
Blogger Gen said...

yeah but i bet the short black kid is going to get picked over the tall asian most of the time.

July 27, 2008 at 5:41 PM  

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