Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Grams and Pounds...

I'm not a big critic of pot smokers but wouldn't it have been wise for Mario Chalmers and Darrell Arthur to exhibit a little self control? Or maybe they could have afforded a fan and blown it out the window? Is there a worse place to get caught puffing a little dope than at the mandatory NBA Rookie Seminar at which they tell you NOT to smoke dope? I mean, I guess it could be worse... they could have been maybe riding a motorcyle? I'm not saying it's definite but I wouldn't be suprised....

NBA Player Weights
For the past 4 years, NBA.com has been putting out statistics on individual player weights (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007). Interesting fun fact, Eddy Curry has been the same size for the past four years. Really? And I thought they only lied about NBA players' heights. Unfortunately there was no similar WNBA comparison but I did a little informal research of my own. With Margo Dydek gone, I thought the WNBA's heaviest player might now be Latasha "Why Isn't Jackie Stiles in the W Anymore" Byears. But I am a WNBA amateur so I consulted my expert friend Matt and he brought to my attention Jessica Davenport (215) and Marcedes "Did My Mom Mispell Mercedes?" Walker who, it appears, takes the crown at a cool 253. The award for heaviest player who actually plays goes to Vanessa Hayden who tips the scales at 240.

Crossover of the Day - It's grainy but it's worth it (and the second angle is better). Anyone can throw a crossover out there but it's more impressive doing it against The Glove.

sick pass by strickland

God Shammgod tearing it up at the 1995 McDonald's All-American game - Rumor has it that Shammgod actually taught Kobe Bryant the crossover. So the guy taught Kobe the crossover AND invented a legendary dribbling move? Impressive.

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